20 January 2012

Teen Vogue/Artifact 2

The second artifact I chose was a teen vogue magazine. It is similar to a Vogue magazine, but specifically made for teenagers(the name of the magazine is pretty self explanatory). The magazine focuses on fashion and celebrities and offers information about the latest entertainment and feature stories on current issues and events. Usually the cover has a photo of a recent celebrity along with make up tips and things about the celebrity.

The stories that Teen Vogue tells about human purpose is that even though we are made in God's image, there are products that make you look more beautiful. In the magazine, there are millions of ads that catch our eye, including name brands and beautiful models. It's hard to go through a magazine like this and not get caught up in the fashion or make up that's in it. Even though this magazine may seem like another way to sell advertisements, they do include serious issues as well, in the issue I read it had an article on smoking and what it can do to your body. However, it was only a couple pages long, while the rest of the magazine still covered make up and fashion.

Teen Vogue reveals about life in the empire is that there are things in the world that we tend to get pulled into and believe that we must have a certain product to make us feel good about ourselves. The magazine shows pictures of different models, and then has several pages with similar clothes that they are wearing, and how much it would cost to buy them. It seems that every day there is some new trend going on, or a new line of clothing or make up has just come out, and we have that urge to immediately go out and buy it because we know everyone else will already have it. It's difficult to fit into society, or the empire, without having the latest thing that's out there because then you feel left out and not on the same page as everyone else.

I personally don't wear make up at all, and the most I'll wear is just a touch of mascara. For me, make up just isn't a big deal. I don't see why I need to change myself when I'm perfectly happy with the way I look.

Discussion Questions:
1. Why do we feel the need to fit in with the rest of the world?
2. Do we ever ask ourselves "Do I really and truly need that?" before we buy something? Or do we automatically buy it because it's what everyone else has?


  1. I like your idea of asking ourselves "Do I need this?" This question could help us in so many ways, not just fashion! Credit card debt, food consumption, t.v. watching, etc. The world is run on "more,more,more!" where as if we step back and ask ourselves this simple question, I believe our lives would be much happier - for we would be content with what we have. There is a great quote from the movie "Sabrina" that says: "Sometimes more isn't always better, it's just more"

  2. "The stories that Teen Vogue tells about human purpose is that even though we are made in God's image..." I'm pretty sure Teen Vogue doesn't acknowledge that human beings are made in God's image. Assuming that's true, then the sole purpose of being human (according to the magazine) is to look and feel as good as we can. As you've identified, this means that they need to constantly show us how we're not measuring up so that we'll buy the things they're advertising to help us become more beautiful.

    Way to buck the system by not buying into it (literally)!

  3. Its hard to believe that people really think that without good looks or stuff i'm worthless. In a world that is mostly run by the media we need to have the best to be anything. I myself am an impulsive buyer. Now i hate shopping, but when i do shop i usually buy something. I wish i could as myself do i need this instead of just buying it. I will try to work on it.

  4. This was a very interesting topic to pick. i too picked an artifact that has to do with the obsession with beauty in the world. i think that this is such an important topic to address especially because of the growing concern with it starting so young. like Vivian, i watched the documentary of America the Beautiful and it real addresses a topic that is close to my heart. the issues that are being talked about are so important, so thank you for giving your opinion on the issue.
