17 January 2012

Dorm Film Post - America the Beautiful

In the documentary, America the Beautiful, the narrator Darryl Roberts films the life of a preteen model with commentaries from a varying set of individuals. A review I found about the film was in a website called Blog Critics and was written by an author, Jennifer Williams, who held the same views as I did regarding the movie. Williams expresses thankfulness to Roberts for bringing together clips from the reality of the fashion industry and the reality of how it is detrimental to the way people view themselves, especially young girls. The author then proceeded to interview her readers and received a similar response as the readers expressed a low self-esteem in matters of beauty. I believe that both the work of Roberts and Williams unfortunately presents the mindset of a rapidly growing portion of America. Many of the people interviewed and the statistics gathered show how society takes something so integral to humans as the concept of beauty and twists it in a self demeaning and unhealthy way. Industries like the fashion and advertising industry, have a major part in shaping this concept. The many who look at magazines, models, ads, movies, and television shows are bombarded with a sense of what is beautiful that only a small percentage can achieve.  The industries do so for profit, saying that it is cheaper to make smaller clothes and that beautiful women sell products better, neglecting what their choice does to so many people, especially women. Viewing this film would help people question whether or not their concept of what is beautiful is truly theirs. It will make them conscience of how their off-hand comments may affect the other. And it will cause people to see the beauty in someone because they themselves perceive beauty in them, hopefully while boosting a couple of egos along the way.



  1. I agree completely with you and also side with the view of Roberts and Williams, as I think most young women do. I know most girls feel threatened by our society's image of beauty, mainly because most cannot achieve this image. I took a Media Lit. course last year in high school and learned that most of the images of beauty and perfection we see in our culture are totally unrealistic. Billboards, ads, and magazines displaying gorgeous models are all photo-shopped and changed drastically until they look perfect. It really bothers me that this happens, because it makes so many young woman feel insecure and upset as they are trying to attain a perfection that is fake and unrealistic. The minds of young woman in our culture would be a whole lot healthier if the photos of models in ads and outside of stores were of average looking, natural woman. Our society focuses way too much on physical beauty and looking perfect, and it is totally messing with the minds of young woman everywhere. In my opinion, the media is totally to blame--if woman were portrayed realistically in the media, I think our culture would see a significant change.

  2. Good comments, Kendra and Vivian. I'd challenge you both to consider what institutions like Calvin College and the church could be doing in this area of life to promote a Kingdom view of beauty. The media has power, but so do these institutions, including families.
