17 January 2012

Dorm Film Post

"America the Beautiful" was a perfect wake up call for me. The whole film opens up with Elizabeth Arden talking about waist lines. She looks absolutely gorgeous. Then we move on to seeing several men and hear their opinions on what they think the 'perfect woman' is. I was offended from the beginning of the film. The director then opens up and talks about how he had a woman who was great but they didn't get married because he thought that he would find someone better than her. Then the next thing we see? A tall, thin, super model. If I hadn't have previously heard about her, I would have never guessed that she was only twelve. Gerren Taylor got scouted because her mom thought it would be ‘great idea.’ Gerren and her mom would’ve never thought that Gerren would be turned down by the fashion world. I read an article related to the film and share similar feelings with the writer. There is no way one can watch this documentary and not feel pure rage, especially as a woman. It represents my perspective on the film perfectly. The whole fashion industry has become simply out of control. But not only is the fashion industry, our society in general slowly deteriorating.
The film prompted me to change the simple things like looking at women in the media and longing to be that skinny or that ‘beautiful.’ One change that I am making is not wearing makeup everyday but only wearing it on special occasions. I feel confident in the way God made me and I want to show it.

Ebert, Roger, “America the Beautiful,” rogerebert.com (May 9, 2008), http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080508/REVIEWS/277581949/1023 (accessed January 17, 2012) 


  1. Good observations, Felicity. I'm glad this has motivated you to action!

  2. Good observations, Felicity. I'm glad this has motivated you to action!
