17 January 2013


Through the documentary "Fuel," I learned information about the 'biofuel' topic that I was not aware about before.  One thing that the speaker stressed was that diesel cars could use biodiesel without modifying the engine.  He made it seem like an easy step that people could take to help.  But, in order to do that, it was not clear if you would need to buy a brand new car, which would be difficult for many people.  I also learned about the negative consequences of oil usage.  The communities around oil factories suffer greatly from pollution in the air and water, causing health and reproductive problems.  In this review by Julie Clawson, http://julieclawson.com/2008/12/01/movie-review-fuel/, I agree that this film has a hopeful outlook.  Action can be taken to improve the conditions of the air and earth.  Clean fuel is not so far-fetched as it once seemed.  But it is true that it will take more research for dependable and accessible alternatives, because right now, alternative fuel is not available to everyone. It was good to know that other, better fuels were also being researched. I appreciated the other options that were described, which showed different ways for people to participate and help in this issue.  The benefits of growing plants in cities or using solar panels were briefly discussed.  All of these things combined can help improve our planet’s health and sustainability.  From watching this film, I hope to be more conscious about the oil that I am using. I do not have my own car right now, so I am glad that I can carpool with others which is a small part to help.  I hope that in the future I could use some kind of clean fuel option, because I see the importance of wisely using the earth’s resources. 


  1. The presentation you and your group gave and your post are very informational. I have always been worried about what would happen when American runs out of oil. Now I see a light that has been shed on the topic that is both comforting and hopeful. Using the earth's resources wisely is a great way to stay connected with the Kingdom

  2. Excellent comments, Angela. One of the things we liked about this film was the number of good and practical solutions offered by the filmmaker. While he presents the often overwhelming issue of what to do with our oil-based energy reliance, he does point to several exciting ways forward toward new, sustainable energy sources. But it will take a lot of people a good, long while to make the kind of change we need!

  3. It is indeed crazy the amount of oil that America uses. Just today I saw a train coming from Canada transporting oil, and was just amazed at the length of the train. I can't even imagine how much oil was being carried. I would agree that this puts America's reliance on oil in danger, which means alternative fuels are all the more important!
