15 January 2012

Mall Trip

I guess I am one of those guys who, as John Pahl puts it, was taught to "disdain the mall." But, the mall isn't so bad if you don't spend too much time there. It’s because the mall has something for all everyone, and it can apparently satisfy our every want or need. I could go play video games, get a massage, get a haircut, and eat lunch all in the same place. Parents can watch their kids in a designated play area. Readers can go to Barnes & Noble. Coffee addicts can go to Starbucks, the center of the whole mall, to get their fix. (Our entire society is literally built around coffee). And, besides the skylights, there are rarely windows to the outside. It's as if to convince us that there is no reason to leave. The mall has its own plants, water, and light. It's basically the same as outside except with climate control.

After watching The Persuaders and reading John Pahl's writing on the mall, I have become more aware of the religious lifestyle the mall presents to us. Instead of stained glass windows or images of the cross, this church has images of stylish, happy people with their fashionable clothes. Looking at these pictures, we are made to believe that the clothes caused them to be happy, and that maybe somehow inanimate objects are the main source of happiness. We unknowingly put our faith into these objects. But, the happiness we get from them doesn't last as long as we would like, so we have to make return trips.


  1. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who hates going to the mall. No matter what, I could probably find some excuse to not go.

  2. The Mall "can apparently satisfy our every want or need.... It's as if to convince us that there is no reason to leave." Good observations, Kyle.
