18 January 2010

Mall Wars

I don't remember ever going to the mall as a kid and if I did they never had the sweet tree fort in the middle of the mall to play in. I work right by the Rivertown Crossings Mall. This is a two-story commercial masterpiece of many different stores. You can get everything you need there. On one end of the mall is Dick's Sporting Goods for all your sporting essentials. At the other end is JcPenny and Sears. Between these mammoth enterprises are many clothing centers, food stands, jewelry shops, and entertainment centers. I've been to this mall many times in the past year. It's so easy to get caught up in all of the action around you. Window fronts of the shops are coated with images of what is 'right', what is normal. There is images of people, flawless in image, flaunting the company's merchandise. Unfortunately I have fallen victim to this image sometimes and have bought clothes from these companies, perhaps with a desire to be who they are. Now I buy clothes that I like the style of rather than what the posters tell me I should look like.

1 comment:

  1. ...But are even your likes being shaped by something outside of just your own, independent thoughts? If so, what? Creepy.
