An online learning space for "Culture Making in the Empire," a 2013 interim course at Calvin College taught by Rob and Kirstin Vander Giessen-Reitsma. Content from previous versions of the course are also archived here.
18 January 2009
The Kingdom of God in “The Lion King”
I believe this film incorporates some Christian ideas into their story because it is a good way of selling their movie. Who wouldn’t want to watch a movie where a character is evil or sins, yet still finds redemption? Redemption teaches a young audience hope, and this pleases the parents because the film teaches good values. So parents would then think it is worth the money to purchase products that relates to this film because it would remind their children of good values such as hope, and this in turn pleases the empire because we are being good consumers. The themes of sin and evil are seen in the film through Scar. Scar plots and kills his brother Mufasa, and then accuses Simba of causing his father’s death making Simba run away. Simba also has sinned. He has fallen into sin by being disobedient to his father because he longed to be king, and he thought to be king you had to be brave because his dad was brave, so he went to the land his father forbidden him to go. Later he was manipulated by Scar and was involved in a stampede, which caused his father’s death. He runs away and after he becomes an adult he has a chance to make amends. He finds his opportunity for redemption if he were to go back home with Nala and help rescue the Pride Lands. But he doesn’t take the chance because he sees no hope there for him because he does not want to face the guilt of his father’s death. But later he meets a wise old baboon who helps him to see that there is hope that he can rescue the Pride Lands and that he can find redemption while saving his home. Throughout this film these ideas of sin, brokenness, and redemption plays a big role in keeping the audience interested because it is appealing to the adults. It is appealing to the adults in the audience because they find comfort in knowing that their child will be forgiven and would still be innocent in the eyes of the Creator even after the child has sinned. This is a good thing for the empire because they can use the Christian themes to make money.
The film portrays life in the Pride Lands as happy and well balanced, which is evident in the harmonious lives of the animals in the Pride Lands and the fact that all animals are connected in the great circle of life. This idea that all the creatures in the Pride Lands are connected is like the idea of a Christian community, where in the Kingdom of God everyone lives as a community loving one another. Also the Kingdom of God is evident in the film when Mufasa tells Simba that “everything the light touches is [their] kingdom.” Also when Mufasa mentions the land where it is shadowed is not theirs, this represents the empire. This portion of the land is not claimed by the Kingdom of God, which shows us that the empire still exists and has a hold on the creatures/people still enslaved by the shadowed land/empire. There in that land it is desolate like the empire. The empire is desolate because in the empire the land is wasted by man-made things such as factories and corporations, which destroys the air and environment. Factories and corporations make the people still held by the empire lonely because people still trapped by the empire believe the false happiness the empire feeds them through ads, which makes them believe buying more things will make them happy. I believe this film is supporting the empire because the people who made the film know these qualities such as sin and redemption can make a big profit.
“The Lion King” was a good film, and it did portray qualities of the Kingdom of God, but the empire used that to its advantage to attract consumers like flies to a light to buy more goods relating to “The Lion King.” Through this film the empire shapes young children to be consumers because when a child likes a certain movie they are compelled to want goods relating to that movie. “The Lion King” has shaped many of us, but has it shaped us for better or for worse? I think “The Lion King” shaped us to learn good values, but also shaped us to be good consumers. The empire is a dangerous it leads us astray from the Kingdom of God, so even if a film is good we have to be careful and see why the empire is telling this story. And once we know why we can protect ourselves from the empire.
The Lion King
There are several messages that this movie really hammers home. Perhaps the most famous phrase from The Lion King is the "Hakuna Matata." It means 'no worries'! That is the key phrase that characters Timon and Pumba tell the young lion Simba. Simba mistakenly thinks that it is his fault for his father's death. But Timon and Pumba teach Simba the new way of thinking.
On a shallow level, "Hakuna Matata" seems to give the message that one shouldn't care about what happens; anything goes, who cares?, whatever. This could be a dangerous attitude and mindset because it encourages alack of responsibility and remorse.
But on a deeper level, it also talks about putting your past behind you. Someone (and I have no idea who) said that we cannot "...let our past mistakes define who we are." We cannot live our whole lives in a fit of self pity and dispair because of our past failures, but we must rise up and start anew; second chance.
And a second chance is what Simba gets. He gets a second chance at reclaiming a past friendship with Nala, a second chance to return to his friends and his family, and most importantly perhaps, to ascend Pride Rock and reclaim his rightful place as King.
This movie can be tied to God's Kingdom in many ways. I think that this movies "circle of life" idea can be associated to the "shalom" of God's Kingdom. This movie got it right because it shows how things are supposed to be; times of peace and prosperity and justice. In God's Kingdom there will be "shalom" and in this movie, there was always a push for things to be the way they are supposed to be.
This movie can somewhat be tied to the empire in that honestly, everything is not as it should be all the time. What with a power-hungry Uncle Scar who will stop at nothing to gain power, hyenas invading the Pride Lands, famine and drought, there is much work to be done as far as restoration and healing are concerned.
And thats not even to get into Simba's personal problems. He feels unready; unworthy. He feels ashamed of his past and struggles with who he was meant to be. Thankfully, he does finally find redemption and is able to take his place in the "circle of life".
Mean Girls
The Mission
The artifact that I chose was a movie. The movie was called, “The Mission” and it was playing in the Fine Arts Center. The movie is about a Jesuit Priest who is setting up missions around the Spanish states. He then moves deep into the South American Jungle to start another mission for the Guaraní Indians. At the beginning there is a man named Rodrigo who goes into these jungles and captures the native Indians and makes them as slave. When Rodrigo went back to his home town to sell the natives, he ended up getting into a large fight over a girl with his brother and ends up killing him. Because he killed his brother he felt so much shame and ended up going to the church. Father Gabriel decides that Rodrigo should travel to the mission and as his punishment carries a large sack of armor with him. They reach the mission and Rodrigo falls in love with the people. However, there is controversy as to whether the missions should stay or not, and in the end, the court decides to destroy all the missions. However, the mission deep in the jungles, where Rodrigo is decides to fight back. The entire mission gets destroy and the Spanish and Portugal people end up killing all the people who were in the mission. Even though the movie is very sad, at the end we see a little bit of hope. There is a small canoe filled with about six young children, which leaves us to belief that the mission and the Guarani Indians will continue.
This movie can be related to the class because we see that at the end of the movie the empire ends up winning. We can also relate it to the “engaging Gods Word” text. In that book we here about the creation, fall, and redemption. In the movie we see the missions being create and working well, and then we see the entire mission and everything that the priests had created be destroy. However, in the end we see a glimpse of redemption with a generation of young Guarani Indians who survived the attacks on them.
Golden Globe Awards
Overall, the ceremony was a great display and recognition of the talent and diversity in God’s Kingdom. From the intricate dress designs to the variety of film and TV shows that received awards, it is obvious how much talent from God was at the award show. In order to produce such masterpieces, creativity and imagination were definitely necessary. It also showed that excellence and creativity are not limited to the United States and acknowledges the many cultures from around the world and the community that is formed when they all come together at the award ceremony.
As I was reading the Redemption chapter of Plantinga’s book, I came across this question: “Is it fraudulent for advertisers to sell us products by way of ads that titillate rather than inform?” (p. 101). In other words commercials these days attempt to get at our emotions and feelings to grab out attention rather than really being truthful to us as consumers which can certainly be misleading. I found that this was especially relevant to the commercials that showed during the award ceremony. For example, there were several credit card ads that gave no information on APR or the like that could prevent a viewer from choosing that credit card. Instead, it only showed what a person can get when he or she uses the credit card and promotes that money and spending money always equals happiness. It provides a false image for credit cards and neglects to address the fact that credit cards must be paid off. Similarly, a Cadillac commercial used a Grey’s Anatomy actress to try to lure in customers who admire her or the luxury that she presents as she drives the car. These commercials encourage us as humans in the empire to consume and buy unnecessary things and imply that this will lead to happiness.
V for Vendetta
I thought that the movie was an extremely good example of Empire and how it can get out of control without really realizing it. The movie was interesting in that it was a story told from the point of view of the ‘other,’ rather than the dominate culture that typically writes history. As the movie progresses, the viewer learns more and more of how the government has actually deceived people to attain the level of power that the chancellor has.
I’m sure that people who have seen this movie or even know a little bit about it often think of the illusion to World War II and Nazi Germany. The government uses red and black flags and has a symbol that is very similar to a cross. The chancellor is also a very passionate, charismatic speaker- similar to Hitler. He is responsible for several horrible biological weapon attacks, and has the ability to cure the virus (which is how he becomes chancellor). He then uses the media to reinforce his vision of what a country should be. Their motto is extremely religious and reads, “Strength through unity, unity through faith.” The government uses a story of how ‘Godless America’ has turned into a ‘leper colony’ because things descended into chaos, this reinforces the idea that not only is the British government superior, but also that God is on their side and they are doing things the right way. The government constructs an extremely regimented and controlled society. Everyone has curfews and is monitored in everything that they do.
I think that one of the things that this movie does really well is to show how easily an empire can use the media, and subsequently stories in pop culture to reinforce views without questioning them. The empire teaches that different is dangerous- thus justifying their genocide of other races, sexual orientations, religions, etc. It teaches the general population to be complacent because if they start questioning things or try to do something different, everything will fall into chaos.
Then V comes along and messes up everything. He takes over a TV station and plays an extremely empowering video to the people of Britain. He explains how the empire has used fear and conformity to control the people beyond what they should ever allow, and that people have the power to change things back to what they should be.
This movie has some very encouraging Kingdom values within it. I think that it shows how it is important to stand up for what you believe in, even if that means dying for that belief. It also shows how it is important to question things and to not be just another mindless consumer lost in the mainstream. The movie offers a hope to those oppressed by the empire and allows them an alternative view of life that is possible.
One of my critiques of the movie is that V believes that violence can be used for good to bring justice to those responsible for the horrendous crimes against their own people. However, in the end V almost seems apologetic for what he has done. Evey teaches him how to love again. I think that this is an extremely powerful scene because it shows how love can even change the heart of a ‘terrorist’ and that redemptive violence does not solve everything.
Before the concert I got a chance to go to a discussion panel with the members of Anberlin. Students got a chance to interview and ask the band questions without all the media nonsense. One of the questions/topics that stood out the most to me was when one student asked why they decided to identify with the mainstream market instead of the Christian. They responded that they want to be viewed as a band of Christians not just a Christian band. They are working in the mainstream music scene to bring the hope of Christ. They don't directly profess to Christianity in their songs, but there is still evidence of their faith in the lyrics. This is a band participating in tours like the warped tour, bringing music with hope to a scene surrounded by music and people who are angry and or crying out for more. Anberlin is most definitely a band working in the Empire for the Kingdom of God.
If Anberlin were to work the Christian music market they could make a good living. The Christian music market has a lot of profit in it. Instead of pursuing the money of the Christian market the band is pursuing footholds in the empire by going mainstream. This approach is no easy one and profits aren't always the best. One member said they've done shows where at the end of the night the band was paid three hundred dollars in profit. That's not much once it gets divided up. This is evidence that this band has their priorities in line. Its not all about making it big and getting rich. They have a much higher goal in mind.
Anberlin is doing a great thing in a time when people are crying out the most. The way they hold and display themselves is very intentional. They have definitely earned my respect. Given a chance I will be seeing them again.
A Cinderella Story
The Movie "Wanted"
I decided to watch Disney and Pixar's movie "Wall-E" this weekend. "Wall-E" is the name of the last garbage compactor robot that remains on planet Earth after it is abused by humans. In the movie, Buy n Large Corporation, which somehow has control of the entire government, suggests the humans go on a five year cruise in space while robots clean up the Earth they have polluted and nearly destroyed. The earth is abandoned after the five years and said to be uninhabitable. The five year cruise turns into 700 years, as no life can be sustained on the planet. The people on the cruise ship, the Axiom, were normal sized humans but many years later are now extremely overweight. The "passengers" on the Axiom, ride around the ship in lazy boys and are pampered by robots all around them. In essence, they have "the perfect life" yet they are constantly being advertised to, just like humans are today. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner in a cup! Why not?
One of the main themes of the movie involves humans and how the empire controls them. On the ship the passengers see an innumerable amount of advertisements, including clothing. "Try Blue! It's the new Red!" Lines like the one above show how ignorant and conformist the people on the ship are. The truth is that many Americans today are just like that. We want to be cared for and pampered. In "Wall-E" humans purpose is to buy things from Buy n Large to make their lives easier.
Buy n Large controls everything that happens on the ship. From what the passengers eat to what time of day it is. This movie may have a deeper message than simply the story of a doe eyed robot finding the robot girl of his dreams. It may be trying to tell us to fix things up or this over indulgence and dismay might happen to us. Buy n Large represents the empire. Both have the following qualities: consumerism, seduction, visions of utopia, conformity to cool, instant gratification, and most of all control. This film also shows the viewer that there is still hope. It tells us to keep recycling, caring for the planet, maintaining our bodies and minds and be good stewards to the earth God left in our care.
The film is crying out to tell us not be controlled by corporations and their advertisements. We should conform to Christ, not to society.
On Friday night I went to the anberlin concert in the FAC. Going into this concert I didn’t know that much about anberlin; only a couple of their songs. That made it a little difficult because it’s not always the easiest to understand the lyrics in a concert, but surprisingly I did get a lot out of it. One my of my friends told me they don’t consider themselves a Christian band but rather a bunch of Christians in a band. I could see this in their music and lyrics, which I didn’t find to be overtly Christian but defiantly had some Christian undertones. Overall I thought they had a great stage presence, the crowd really responded to the music, and it was a good concert.
I think that this concert and this band are defiantly crying out for the kingdom. For me it was more than the music and lyrics which pointed to the kingdom (which they did.) I think a huge part of what I liked about this concert, was the diversity in the crowd. I saw this diversity while waiting in line meeting these three guys from Ohio, in front of us during the concert seeing group of students from hope, and in general just noticing a lot of other people who defiantly weren’t from Calvin College. And together everyone was grouped to form this weird sort of community in the room, even if it was just for a night. Everyone was sharing and participating in the music and it is kind of a unique thing whenever that happens. Just joining together in community with strangers and sharing music (even if only briefly) is one way that this concert cried out for the kingdom.
The Office
The Mission
It was simple to notice the corruption the Portuguese provided by putting a halt on the mission and going to the extreme of killing hundreds of innocent people. I think it parrallels the story of Jesus in that the priests were spreading the Word of God to those absent of God in the lives and just like the Roman Empire, the Spanish and Portuguese colonials killed the mission that was to carry out this action. Along with this, I think the mission serves as the kingdom and the Spanish and Portuguese forces serve as the Empire. I say this because the priests mission followed Gods will and the priests have the purpose of converting the Guarani Indians to Christianity. The Spanish and Portuguese Colonials serve as the Empire because they are the centralized political power. They extend their power and rule over the culture of the Guarani Indians and end up eliminating their culture period. It was really interesting to see the connection between the mission and the kingdom and empire aspects presented in the film. I would definitely recommend this film to anyone intersested and would like to see it again myself.
"Glamorous" by FERGIE
The song "Glamorous" by Fergie represents how some people live and how some people fantasize about living. I get the impression that this song is portraying the way that certain people live. Some people don’t have any money; they will never experience the pleasures and events that happen in a rock star life. I am obviously not Fergie and I don’t always fly first class, and I don’t have chaperons and limousines taking me places. I live in the real world where I have to work, I can’t just sing a few songs that other people have written for me and make a million plus dollars. I go to college, I work, I worry about bills, and how I will fend for myself in the future. Sometimes I wish that I didn’t have to worry about things but on the other hand I think that I learn a lot from it and it overall makes me a stronger person. I think that this artifact reaches out to the empire. It is glorifying worldly pleasures such as : money, fame, etc. This artifact gives me no hope; the one hope is that if I ever were to become famous I would be able to look forward to living the high life. But what comes after that? This song doesn’t say anything about the real world, and about what the focuses should really be about. I think that this artifact tells a lot about some of the origins of sin. Some people get so overwhelmed with money and fame and the glories of the world that they don’t stop to realize what life is truly about. I guess one way you could relate this song to the Bible would be the story of the prodigal song. He asked for all the money that was entitled for him and he left. He decided to live the high life until he was out of money and had nothing left. Are the people that make a lot of money and spend it on worldly pleasures truly happy, or are they just happy for that time being?
Eagle Eye
In the movie, eagle eye’s main focus was to make sure that the Constitution was always being upheld, but she took it too far. The president made a wrong decision and that led to the death of many innocent people. Since this was an injustice, eagle eye took it upon herself to seek revenge and attempt to kill him. She was trying to kill him because she thought that it was better for the people if the president was dead. So she decided to rectify the problem by taking matters into her own hands.
In the end humanity was able to overcome the evil of technology by each doing their own part. Even though all of these main characters were chosen against their own will, in the end they were all willing to give up their lives to save many other people. This shows that good ultimately will overcome evil, no matter how bad it seems. No matter how bad circumstances seem, God will always work through the hearts of people to keep this world going. Good always wins.