"This is the Carden of Eden without the fall; the resurrection without the cross; spring and summer without fall or winter" (The Shoping Mall as "Stairway to Heaven", Leading Nowhere).
Every shop has its own 'climat', atmosphere, design.... It is unique, as each of us. If you wanna feel more womanly and cherished you just go to Victoria secret shop and buy super sexy underwear, if you wanna be an exclusive and eye- catching person, you just buy some bright jewelry at Claires and enjoy it ( they even do free ear piercing for free!). Every person is an individuality with individual preferences: the fragrance of scent is one of the things that every one want to find. Bath & Body Wash shop can help you to "discover" your hiden desires. The world of advertising is a fake but it is beautiful and super rememberable! Behind every shop there are wise and sensible people who know how to make business.
Also, trees....they are everywhere! The mall is not a stony cave, this a place where the life is. You sit on a bench, breath 'clean air' , 'socialize' and then make your life 'happier' doing shopping.

I noticed that almost every shop has is own music: Shops for teenagers play teen music,music that want you to be independent and freestanding; shops selling rock clothing play rock music make you' rebel' and dark side in yourself seeker( Hot Topic shop); but when you come in a mall you 'sink' into calm and unflurried world, "shopping mall as a sacred plase". Why? You need to realize that you are in a right place and then just go with the crowd!
Also, trees....they are everywhere! The mall is not a stony cave, this a place where the life is. You sit on a bench, breath 'clean air' , 'socialize' and then make your life 'happier' doing shopping.
"Light ...is our primary experience of energy"(The Shopping Mall as "Staitway to Heaven", Leading Nowhere). Every shop has is own illumination, but it is interesting to notice that the whole mall, halls are naturally lightened. Now i see why the author of "The Shopping Mall ..." tells us that the light makes a mall the place of "vitality and energy". For me it was funny to see that there is enough light...to see...there is nothing to hide or fog. Do they want to show consumers that they play the game? Interesting! 
I think that the most powerful thing to attract consumers attention is sales. Sure, the experience of water, light, trees, and music works, but when people see the opportunity to buy something cheaper , it works two-fold. That's why all sale signs are so huge.
So, there is no need to tell that the mall makes us feel like " lacking something", "disoriented"and addicted; it was absolutely clear after my thought today at the mall: " Wow, it is so cool...I will buy it...probably...it is a pretty good deal...I will buy it!" I guess we will never be satisfied with our lives and everything we have to do is to 'feed' our insatiability and ego.

*References: Discovering God, The Shopping Mall as "Stairway to Heaven", Leading Nowhere by Jon Pahl